If you are one of those people who just can't gain weight, try a weight gainer to add extra calories to your daily diet. Hardgainers that we have talked to were shocked when they finally started to gain muscle fast. Weight gainers are high calorie protein products that are great for people who are looking to bulk up. If you are having trouble gaining weight, taking in extra high quality calories will usually do the trick. Another thing to consider is how much sugar is contained in the gainer. Excess amounts of sugar have been shown to give an insulin spike, as well as increase levels of seratonin. This has been shown to give most people a feeling of drowsiness, irritability, and headaches. This doesn't affect everyone, but some people are more sensitive than others. Plus, the insulin spike sets your body to storing fat. Look at the nutrition label on the gainer, and see how much sugar it contains, listed under the carbohydrates. Somewhere in the 30-60 gram range is pretty good. We have a few weight gainer product in our store. Do not hesitate to click one of those to find out which product suites your body well.